

Martin Kriegner 先生


Martin Kriegner 丈夫,奥地利人和籍,1961 9 𒉰月诞生,毕业证书于维也纳综合社会,获法律学博士研究生学士学位学历;并于维也纳城市发展综合社会收获工商行菅理本科学士学位学历。1990 年进入豪瑞投资集团,并于 1998 年当选奥地德相关业务的行政处首席总裁;2002 年起初后担负印度的工作的政府部门霸道首席总裁、中国混凝土工作空间区域霸道首席总裁。2012 年担任拉法基非州塑料、混泥土土及骨料服务行政管理首席总裁。于 2015 7 月就任豪瑞集团有限公司中欧行政区域管理师,并于 2016 年就任印度是范围负责任人。2016 🐷年起受聘豪瑞集团简介公司简介执行命令理事会会理事会,进行豪瑞集团简介公司简介欧洲、东南亚和非洲国家区域划分业,并于 2017 4 月至 2018 4 月担负平台董事长。Martin Kriegner老师在数家装修公司兼任执行董事,具有在孟加拉国吉大港证劵刷卡数字货币转让平台(刷卡转让码:LHBL)和达喀尔证券公司市场交易价格所(市场交易价格代碼:LHBL)面市的 LafargeHolcim Bangladesh Limited、在马来西亚证券合作合作所(创业板股票编码:HLCM)挂牌上市的 Holcim Philippines, Inc.并在摩洛哥卡萨布兰卡券商消费所(创业板股票代码是什么:LHM)纳斯达克上市的 LafargeHolcim Maroc S.A。自 2023 1 月起,任职本工厂董事局。


Mr. Martin Kriegner🍃, an Austrian national born in September 1961. He is a graduate of Vienna University with a Doctorate in Law and he obtained an MBA at the University of Economics in Vienna. He joined the Holcim Group in 1990 and became the CEO of the Austrian operations in 1998. He moved to India as CEO in 2002 and later served as Regional President Cement for Asia. In 2012, he was appointed CEO of Lafarge India for Cement, RMX and Aggregates. In July 2015 he became Area Manager Central Europe and was appointed Head of India in 2016. He is the Region Head for Asia, Middle East & Africa and a member of Holcim’s Group Executive Committee since 2016. In this function Mr. Martin Kriegner already served as director of the Company from April 2017 to April 2018. Mr. Martin Kriegner today is a member of the board of directors of LafargeHolcim Bangladesh Ltd listed on the Chittagong Stock Exchange and the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Bangladesh), Holcim Philippines, Inc. listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange (Philippines) and LafargeHolcim Maroc S.A. listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange (Morocco). He was appointed as a director of the Company in January 2023.

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