

英亚体育app 先生

196历经四年6月初生,博土,搏士生导师级高阶房建项目师,第一任平台总载、总房建项目师、党支部组织部长,全球房建装饰素材联席会小说总裁权威中医专家、权威中医专家委连接主住。英亚体育app 老公自198历经四年6月多次学校毕业于广州房建装饰素材教育硅酸盐职业 ,获工学本科双穴位;广州产业园学校产业园标准化工作经营职业 ,获工学本科双穴位;华南科技产业学校标准化工作管文科学的与房建项目职业 ,获标准化工作经营学博土双穴位。198历经四年6月至198多年6月,任广州产业园学校硅工系幼师、团委副组织部长;198多年14月建立英亚体育app 洋灰浆砂浆厂(本平台原名),多次任中心站验血室产品质量把握房建项目师、生石灰粉石矿副矿长、扩改办副主住、加工科技处长,199两年4月任英亚体育app 洋灰浆砂浆厂(本平台原名)副生产经历,199历经四年6月任本平台总监经历,2003年16月时此后已有日,任本平台总经历(200历经四年6月后改称总载)、总房建项目师。199历经四年起,接任本平台连接董事局。这些年6月时此后已有日,任全球房建素材联席会副就长;2000年6月时此后已有日,任全球洋灰浆砂浆行业协会副就长。201历经四年4月时此后已有日,任陕西省房建素材联席会就长。20206月时此后已有日,任全球房建素材联席会第十六届专家会连接副就长。 Mr. Li Yeqing, born in February 1964, Doctor, senior engineer (professor level). He is the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Comany, chief engineer, chief specialist and executive chairman of the Specialist Committee of China Building Materials Federation. In July 1984, he graduated from Wuhan Institute of Building Materials with a bachelor’s degree in engineering, majoring in silicate, and with a master’s degree inengineering majoring in industrial management, and from Huazhong University of Science and Technology with a doctor’s degree in management, majoring inmanagement science and engineering. From July 1984 to October 1987, he served as a teacher in Wuhan University of Technology Silicon Engineering Department, and adeputy secretary of the Youth League Committee. He joined Huaxin Cement Plant(predecessor of the Company) in November 1987, and served as a quality controlengineer of Central Lab, vice manager of Limestone Quarry, vice director of Extension Office and manager of production technology, and promoted as the vice manager of Huaxin Cement Plant in January 1993. He became Deputy General Manager of the Company in June 1994, General Manager of the Company and chief engineer since December 1999 (renamed as chief executive officer in March 2004). He served as a Director of the Company since 1994. He has also been the Vice Chairman of China Building Materials Federation since March 2009 and Vice Chairman of China Cement Association since May 2000. He also served as the Chairman of Hubei Building Materials Federation since January 2014. Also, he has been serving as the Executive Vice Chairman of the Sixth Council of China Building Materials Federation since October 2020.
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